Acne Scars Removal

After writing tips on ways that do not cause acne scars, in this article I want to share tips on acne scars removal. To get rid of acne scars are actually many ways that can be taken of them with acne medication or more easily by using a mask of natural materials around us. In this article will discuss natural acne scar removal because many benefits of using natural materials such as cheaper and more secure because it does not cause side effects.
There are numerous herbal ingredients that can be used in a way that is different. And in order to get the most would have to be done regularly and periodically, because the herb is different with drugs that may be used several times was able to recover. And here's how to naturally remove acne scars:
1.      Using Tomatoes
Tomatoes commonly used for kitchen materials, but it can also help remove acne scars. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A vitamin that is very useful to stimulate collagen. Collagen is the substance of the body itself plays an important role in the formation of the skin. Besides antioxidants contained in tomatoes believed to remove acne scars. How: thinly sliced ​​fresh red tomatoes and paste your facial for 10-15 minutes.

2.      Using Papaya
How to remove acne scars this one is pretty easy to do, which is to harness papaya fruit. Papaya is widely used as a cosmetic. Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that can reduce inflammation. Its use can be directly consumed or used as a mask. The use of papaya to get rid of acne scars is used as a mask. Papaya mask can open clogged pores, removes oil and skin cells that have died. easy way, apply mashed papaya had to face up to dry, let selama15-20 minutes, then rinse with water until clean.

3.      Using white eggs and honey
White eggs are good for muscle growth, but egg whites can also remove acne scars. Likewise with honey, this miraculous always used for various treatments. In order to get the maximum results then combine the two materials. Previously you need to wash your face from the remnants of cosmetics to clean and then dry with a towel. Mix the egg whites with the honey, then apply evenly on acne scars, let stand 30 to 45 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Perform this process routinely and regularly.

4.      Using lime
Orange juice has a lot of vitamin C. Citrus fruit with the latin name aurantifolia has a sour taste and slightly bitter. Nutrition owned could be used to help take care of facial skin naturally. With vitamin B1, sulfur, citric acid, glycosides, resins, essential oils, amino acids, citric acid, oil fly, and others, make lemon extract is widely used as ingredients in beauty products. Efficacy of lime than able to cope with problems such as dark spots on the face, lemon juice is also known as the control excess oil.
  • Rinse face with warm water, then rub lemon slices into the equally acne scars while given little massage, let sit for a while then wash your face with warm water to clean and last before washing with cold water. Do this after every shower. 
  • lime addition you can also use as a mask acne scars lifting dead skin cells on your face. How: squeeze lime juice into a container and add the honey and stir them up evenly, then you can wear it as a mask to remove acne scars.

5.      Using betel leaf

Betel leaf contains a useful antiseptic to kill germs or bad bacteria, therefore a lot of cleaning products, one for a facial cleanser that can remove acne scars.
Here's how you can do:
  • If you want to make betel leaf as a mask: Prepare 4-5 betel leaves and then finely crushed and rubbed impact results of existing facial black spots acne scars. 
  • Wash your face with betel leaves steeping 2-3 times a day, how to boil 3-4 betel leaves betel leaves.

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How to keep your face from acne

Treating the face is easy , but not many men who know how to take care of their faces to always look fresh and clean . This time I summarizes some steps to keep your face clean to avoid acne .

Diligent face wash

The most important first step is to diligently wash your face . If you rarely clean dirt or dust that stuck to your face , do not hope you can have a face clean and bright as you dambakan.Gunakan warm water to open the pores of your skin , wash with soap to wash my face , then clean again with warm water . After that , use cold water to close the pores of your skin that are not easily let dirt again .

Choosing a suitable soap

Choosing advance care medicine is not easy . Not all products can match with your face . Even if you 're not careful , you could be getting dirty face and getting breakouts . Could be disastrous for Anda.Usahakan find the right soap to your face needs . If you have Kullit face dry , use a moisturizing soap that moisturizes your skin and can be a solution for your dry skin .

Avoid spicy and greasy foods

Eating spicy foods is a taboo that is hard to live. Yes , spicy and oily food has become one of the favorites , especially in Indonesia. Greasy foods like fried foods or junk food is also a difficult thing to be rejected under any circumstances because it tastes delicious .

But with many foods above , certainly oils and greases will be hoard in your body . Addition will make your belly bulge , oils and fats will also be buried in your face and cause your face to produce more oil , and increase the possibility of the growth of acne .

Use facial cream

You feel the use of face cream will make you look too metrosexual ? It sounds right , but it would not hurt for you to try and to use as it will help you and facilitate you in caring for your skin .

In addition to soap , cream treatment is also required to keep to protect your face . There are creams that can be used during the morning / afternoon when you are doing activities , there are also creams that you can use to keep your face when tidur.Apakah moisture cream help ? Yes, it will definitely be very helpful in protecting your face better when you rest or while doing activities .

Use a mask

Using a mask is quite strange for a man who ignored and not used in using facial care products . But it never hurts to try in order to maintain your appearance in order to keep the face look bright and attractive looks .

Mask is very easy to get, either the mask contained in the shops or masks of traditional herbs that you can racik own . If you are afraid of using a mask packs because they contain chemical constituents , you can choose a mask made from natural ingredients . Reportedly , a mask made from cucumber and honey can help you in maintaining the freshness of the skin and avoid the growth of acne on your face .

Skin type is different , and how to care was also different . Get to know your skin type first before you start to take care of him . Face is one of the most important assets for a man , not only for women . That's why we are also as much as possible to maintain and care for our face to always look fresh and clean without acne .

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Acne Remedies

Acne remedies depends on the severity. If the infection is severe, then the priority is to control the infection by using anti-acne lotion, facial creams, acne medications and fluids. It would be better also to create an environment free of germs and treat the eruption already appeared.
For oily skin and dry skin who develop acne, skin hygiene is a must. Too much washing the skin with soap and water will destroy the acid mantle of the skin and invite bacteria. This is because the alkaline elements (base) on the soap which stimulate bacterial attack. Since blackheads are basically primary wound infection of pimples, blackheads control is one way to prevent acne infections. If you have not yet developed into blackheads of acne, you need to clean your pores thoroughly. Wash your face twice a day with warm water. Apply soap or cleanser acne medications and let stand for five minutes then wash your face with water. Facial cleansing routine at night is a procedure you have to do.
Acne treatments also require regular maintenance you perform daily as part of facial skin care procedures. Since there is no potion that can make your acne disappear overnight (short). Experts dermatology, cosmetology and beauty therapy experts alike agree that doing regular maintenance is the only way to avoid skin problems and slow the skin aging process. In a few weeks you'll be amazed at the results.
Natural remedies can be just as effective as medications. Possibly more powerful. Sometimes, all your body needs is the right nutritional balance and proper skin care. Here are some easy things you can start doing today to help you heal your acne. You should notice a difference in about 4 weeks.

  1. Vitamin A: Eat carrots for beta-carotene (Vitamin A). Vitamin A strengthens the protective tissue of the skin and actually prevents acne. It helps reduce sebum production. This vitamin is essential for the maintenance and repair of the tissue which the skin and mucous membranes are made of. Vitamin A is also a powerful antioxidant needed to rid your body of toxins. Did you know that a deficiency in vitamin A can actually cause acne? 
  2. Exercise regularly: Regular workouts, physical exercises and a fit body with a balanced weight will help you in the long term; reducing sweets, carbohydrates and high calories in diet would help in controlling acne. 
  3. Apply a honey mask to your face once or twice a week - Honey has antibacterial properties so it is great for disinfecting and healing minor blemishes. It is also gentle on sensitive skin. 
  4. Egg-white: Making a facial mask from egg-white is very helpful in healing acne scars and reducing acne inflammation at a fast rate. Apply the mashed egg-white over the face as a facial mask and wash it after 20 minutes with lukewarm water. But, be sure that your skin is not allergic to eggs and taking the advice of dermatologist is a must. If you can undergo it then also try after mixing few drops of lemon with it. 
  5. Nature's helping hand: Tea tree oil is a common antiseptic oil which is very helpful in reducing the inflammation of acne. It is highly beneficial and it helps in reducing the redness of the acute stage of acne. Take some tea tree oil and apply it to the acne overnight. 
  6. Baking soda: Baking soda is one of the ingredients which can be found in every kitchen easily. Mix baking soda with some water in a bowl as thick as a paste and apply it over the face as a facial mask. Remove it after 20 minutes and wash your face with lukewarm water or as the dermatologist prescribes as per your skin type. Natural bleaching agents of baking soda will definitely help in speeding the healing, clearing up and reducing of the scars. 
  7. Cold pressed olive oil: Olive oil is a great skin moisturiser and in use from years for personal care as it contains four different antioxidants one of which is linoleic acid which prevents water to evaporate from our skin. Take some cold pressed olive oil and apply it to the scars. It helps in reducing the visibility of acne scars and helps in softening them. 
  8. Ice magic: Place an ice-cube over your acne pimples one by one and it will really help reduce the redness and swelling from them. Ice cubes also helps in reducing the size of acne scars by tightening them. 
  9. Always do a skin test: Home remedies are easy to make and apply but before that one should definitely go for a skin test to a dermatologist before inception of any kind. Your skin type and reason for your acne can be different from others in which only a dermatologist can help you out. Applying the remedies without knowing the reason or skin type may harm your skin and give you more side-effects from the same.

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Skin Care Concepts

The concept of skin care has undergone many changes, so it is not surprising that this change also affects the field of cosmetology. The emphasis of skin care has now shifted from simply step skin camouflage to cover the shortfall, a comprehensive art, including skin care preventive and corrective. Although both concepts are equally important, this final preventive care be far more important. The rationale, a lot of skin problems can be avoided by taking a few precautions. In other words, prevention is better than cure.
1.      Getting older but still very young
One of the factors that affect the modern approach to beauty is the human desire to prevent the signs of aging as long as possible. The organs of the human body's most direct show signs of aging of the skin. Skin damage caused by the time the cause of desperate women. In the past, famous beautiful women are those who can fight the signs of aging longer than anyone else. This condition is very dependent on heredity, and not on certain medications that make them ageless. However, modern skin care techniques have changed all that view. Now to be able to always look beautiful people do not have to depend on the factor of heredity, products and methods of skin care at affordable prices are now available to all people. All it requires is the knowledge of the right methods and products are available, and then choose according to the needs of each person.
2.      Prevention is better than cure
Compared to treating, preventing the course easier and not too long time. Care or skin therapy offers hope for people who have problems that interfere with their beauty. Therefore, the earlier you do the preventive measures, the better and long lasting results that you get anyway.
The texture of human skin very enormously, as its characteristics. Similarly, the skin of the young and the old age would be not the same, because as we age, the skin will undergo structural changes. Leather will also experience a variety of attacks from nature and the environment. That is why the skin should be given protective treatment regularly.
3.      Humidity is a sign of life
Along with the increasing knowledge of the skin and cosmetic needs, has now been found in common traits and the experienced old skin aging, namely the lack of moisture. Young skin will feel soft and moist, which shows how important moisture to the skin. Moisture contained in the skin determine the texture of the skin, whether the skin was soft and smooth, dry, rough, or scaly and wrinkled. The skin will lose moisture when the water content in the air is low or becomes low due to man-made causes. Exposure to sunlight for long periods would also reduce the skin's ability to retain moisture.
4.      Aware of the dangers and methods of treatment of the wrong product
One of the most important changes in the concept of skin care is growing awareness of the dangers and damage caused by using the wrong methods and products. Factor does not know cause people to continue to use products that have harmful side effects on the skin, but its effects are not immediately visible. Example: Skin bleaching process uses certain chemicals, which not only inhibits the normal function of the skin, but also make your skin dry and accelerate skin aging.
5.      Back to nature
Lucky there is now a trend to return to the methods of treatment of the natural ingredients. The trend again this evening kea widespread acclaim for this approach is a way to protect and maintain healthy skin. Treatment with herbal healing is a cosmetic ingredient that truly efficacious. Indeed, natural treatments can last up to now because nature is a very powerful healer. Natural principle has been applied in the field of cosmetology, and has led to the development of natural products and herbs to treat the skin.

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