Simple Treating Acne

Treating Acne - When you have problems in the form of facial acne, then you should perform extra care with more attention to the cleanliness of the skin and a healthy lifestyle. Face treatment can be done in various ways, from simple to complicate. Whatever type of treatment is the most important thing you do extra care for your acne prone skin.
The first treating acne is to clean the face. Clean face is very important, not only to skin breakouts but for all skin types. The use of cosmetics, daily activities that cause the face is exposed to dust and sunrays that cause acne appears easy. Therefore, you must be diligent in cleaning the face, especially before going to bed. At the time of sleep state, the pores will open, so that the dirt on the face will be entered into the skin tissue and will make acne worse. Also with clean face will reduce the oil content is too much skin. Cleaning the skin should be twice a day, because if too often it will kill the good bacteria that are beneficial to the health of the face. When cleaning your face, make sure you do not use soaps that contain scrub. Scrub is a coarse grain will enlarge the pores and make acne more inflamed wounds and will be spread around. Use liquid soap and a smooth face, then rinse using clean water and use a soft towel.
The second treating acne is using beauty products according to skin type. Each beauty product would normally be focused on the types of skin. Choose beauty products specifically for oily skin and acne. Make sure you choose products that are authorized harmless to the health of your skin. Avoid using whitening products, because the content in the skin actually makes your acne worse and inflamed.
Third treating acne is not too often touch the face by hand. Hand is a source of germs and bacteria because the hand is used to hold all objects that are not guaranteed clean. If your hands are dirty and you often hold the face then the face will be easily exposed to germs and bacteria that cause acne.
The fourth treating acne is to start healthy life. Avoid sleeping too late, because staying up late can increase stress Hormone that trigger acne. Eat nutritious foods, increase vegetables and fruits. Avoid foods that are too fatty and contain lots of protein such as eggs, milk, cheese, meat and fried foods. Also avoid foods that are too spicy. Get used to always exercise every day for at least 20-30 minutes to keep the body fresh and healthy.
The fifth treating acne is to consume plenty of water. Water is very important for the body as a source of energy and cleaning of various toxins in the body. Drink plenty of water during the day as long as you move.
Thus some treating acne you can do to avoid and cope with facial acne skin. Acne treatment not only does from the outside, but also from the inside. Facials from outside should use natural ingredients that do not cause side effects and are more affordable.

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